The nepheline mainly contain the silicate with aluminum and sodium. Its color is colourness or white, sometimes gray, green or red. It has the vitreous luster, the fracture has the greasy fracture. It is mainly used in the aluminum metallurgy, glass manufacturing and ceramic pottery etc. The vertical roller mill can used in the nepheline grinding, control the fineness of production and can be used in the relative areas.
The widely usage of nepheline mainly because of its low melt temperature and wide sinter scope. These characters have advantages in the low temperature quickly sintering of large size polishing brick. When making the new type super white polished tile, by adding a certain amount of nepheline powder can reduce the addition amount of zirconium silicate. In this way, the amount of possible radioactive nuclide can be controlled and help the enterprises get rid of the worry about the radioactive limited.
The nepheline not only can reduce the worry about radioactive, but also can reduce the sintering temperature and improving the glaze quality of tile. With the suitable add amount in polished tile, it can improve the polished tile strength, reduce the fragility. By this way, it can reduce the damages by mechanical force during sintering, polishing and transportation.
Now there is a kind of high purity nepheline powder materials. After usage, people found that nepheline powder has can whitening the ceramic tile and without the radioactive over problem. It is a step during ceramic industry developing. So Great Wall Machinery put out the dedicated vertical roller mill used in nepheline manufacturing and make own contribution for the developing of ceramic industry.
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